Friday, September 6, 2013

Trail Wars: Return of the Hiker

I'm baaaaack! So, as some of you may have heard, I'm currently on my way back to the trail. After being at home for a month and a half, I couldn't bear it anymore, I had to get hiking again. This time I'm starting at the northern terminus in Canada and hiking south to the point that I left off (hopefully) near Donner Pass. My reasoning for this is that I think I will have a better chance of getting to my destination before snow and other weather prohibits me from continuing on. There is definitely the possibility that I will be back home in a few days after realizing that I left the trail in the first place for a good reason, but I'm hoping that will not happen.
Towards the end there, I know I sort of went off the map and greatly neglected my blog, but this time around I'm going to try to keep up on it more. No promises though. 
At this moment I am 7 1/2 hours away from take-off on Adventure Part II. If all goes according to plan, I should be home just before Thanksgiving. May the force be with you (or with me in this case)!!